What we're about
Persian Arab Arts is an art forum founded on the truth that art from the Middle East and North Africa should be easier to find and purchase. Art from these regions, just like the humans who have migrated from them, are irreplaceable lost treasures. Middle Eastern and North African art is rich in skill, beauty, design, and history. Most often, cherished pieces are sold either in affluent online auction houses for tens of thousands of dollars or in hard-to-find online art venues that don't always feel current.
Persian Arab Arts is a vital bridge linking artists influenced by the regions to buyers that feel for and may acquire the artist's treasures.
Observing how cultures and languages in the Middle East and North Africa influence artists today is extremely important and engaging. Persians and Arabs, and in fact each and every immigrant, deserves love and abundance. Moving away from one's home country, like so many of us, including our parents, is an incredible journey that doesn't end with a new address.
Not only do Persian and Arab nations lose one of their children when someone migrates, but also their children and grandchildren and all the generations after them. People from the Middle East and North Africa have something to give and when their motherland cannot nurture their minds or souls they leave, often mourning their homeland in all kinds of ways. Persian Arab Arts aims to connect artists from these regions with buyers who feel a connection.
If you would like to know more about listing your art with Persian Arab Arts, or have any questions, please email jeanajoon@gmail.com.
Thank you so much.

Jeana Arabzadeh, Founder